Friday, November 30, 2012

 This is a photo of my mother and my dog. It takes place in my family room in front of the fireplace. My mom is always hugging my dog, she is a big animal person, which is why I took this photo. In fact we just got a new puppy.
This picture is of my mother and my bird. My bird loves to sing and dance, he just bobs his head to a song my mom made up. Once again my mom is a big animal person.

My mom has just about a BILLION candles, which is what inspired me to take this photo. I couldn't decide whether I liked in black and white or with color, so I used both.

 My mom doesn't drink tea very often, actually she never does. But I wanted to give her a elegant, and almost preppy look in this photo.

I love the way you can see the steam coming up from the cup. I didn't actually fill the cup up with a hot beverage like tea or coffie. I used boiling water and had my mom give me an exhausted face. like she's finally getting to relax after a long hard day.

I believe these pictures easily describe my personality. It shows I am a little reserved because I am not smiling in many of them, but i'm not frowning either. The pictures are almost mysterious, and show a lot of emotion.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

How would you define beauty in photography?
-Not only captureing something/someones outer beauty, but their inside beauty as well through their emotions and even surroundings. 
What are the characteristics of photographic
  • Tells it's own story
  • Captures emotion
  • Is it's own, unique
  • Has great detail
  • A unique perspective
Can something "ugly" be photographed and be considered beautiful? Why? How? Examples?
-Yes, by photographing something in a unique, interesting way, something that was once found "ugly" now be considered beautiful. For example, a bug is normally viewed as "ugly" but by photographing it in a unique or interesting way it be considered beautiful. Everythings beautiful in it's own way. Only sometimes you have to dig deep to find it's beauty.